Hello to you, Thank you for your interesting comment on the question of me suffering a racking I have always wondered the effect it will have on me, Thanks.
At first stage, when the slack just went out from your limbs and the rack keeps you immobile, You feel the tension in your body, no real pain just massive discomfort and the sensation of total helplessness. Once the real stretcing starts, your body gets more and more tight over the rack, the pain is building up in your wrists, arms. shoulders, start to feel the tension in your whole body. Breathing gets more and more difficult, and the pain never eases. With each click of the rack you discover new depths and heights, You would scream but even breathing is almost impossible stretched so tight.
I've been tired over so horse, hung from a rafter, tide spread eagle very tight on a bed where I couldn't move. Whipped with about everything you can think of. Laid across my masters lap with my wrist and ankles in bondage bare ass spanked my bare hand straps and other employment always very hard but never a rack